Undergraduate Program in Information Systems

The Information Systems Study Program, also known as the Informatics Management Study Program, studies how to build an information technology solution that is integrated with the organization's business processes, so that business organizations can achieve their goals and excel in business competition in an effective and efficient way. For this reason, a student in the Information Systems Study Program learns to be able to identify organizational business problems, understand existing business processes and be able to build innovative business solutions based on available information technology.

For the above purposes, information systems students will be equipped with various skills including: business process management, business process re-engineering, management science, accounting science, computer networks, programming, database systems, information technology security, e-commerce, enterprise architecture, enterprise systems and others.

Kurikulum Fakultas Teknologi Informasi

Program Studi Sistem Informasi

TAHUN 2022 – 2026


No. Sandi Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Syarat
MKU 1104 English I (College Grammar) 2
MKU 1105 Hidup dan Ajaran Yesus 2
MKU 1101 Pendidikan Pancasila 2
SI 221103 Algoritma & Pemrograman I 2
SI 221106 Logika Matematika 2
SI 221101 Matematika I 2
SI 221102 Pengantar TI dan Komunikasi 2
SI 221104 Praktikum Algoritma & Pemrograman I 1
SI 221105 Dasar-dasar Akuntansi 3
SI 221107 Basic IT Skills 2
No. Sandi Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Syarat
MKU 1206 English II (Reading) 2 1104
MKU 1107 Pelayanan Kesehatan 2
MKU 1202 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2
MKU 1203 Bahasa Indonesia 2
SI 221208 Matematika II 2 221101
SI 221209 Algoritma & Pemrograman II 2 221103
SI 221210 Jaringan Komputer 3
SI 221211 Konsep Sistem Informasi 3
SI 221212 Praktikum Algoritma & Pemrograman II 1 221104
SI 221213 Pendidikan Bekerja (WE) 1
No. Sandi Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Syarat
MKU 2105 English III (Speaking and Listening) 2 1206
MKU 2108 Falsafah Pendidikan & Roh Nubuat 3
SI 222314 Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek 3 221209
SI 222315 Struktur Data 3
SI 222316 Sistem Basis Data 3
SI 222317 Struktur Diskrit 3
SI 222318 Pemrograman Web I 3
No. Sandi Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Syarat
MKU 2206 English IV ( College Composition) 2 2105
MKU 2207 Daniel dan Wahyu 3
SI 222419 Riset Teknologi Informasi 2
SI 222420 Pemograman Web II 3 222318
SI 222421 Statistik & Probalitas 3
SI 222422 Pemograman Bergerak 3 222314
SI 222423 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 3
No. Sandi Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Syarat
MKU 3110 English V for IT 2 2206
MKU 3108 Doktrin Alkitab 2
SI 223524 Manajemen 2
SI 223525 Sistem Operasi 3
SI 223526 Manajemen Nilai dan Resiko TI 3
SI 223527 Etika dan Keterampilan Interpersonal 2
SI 223528 Akuisisi, Manajemen, & Strategi SI 2
 SI 223529 Manajemen Proyek SI 3
No. Sandi Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Syarat
MKU 3210 English VI for IT 2 3110
SI 223630 Arsitektur Enterprise 3
SI 223631 Datamining 3
SI 223632 Manajemen Keamanan SI 3
SI 223633 Manajemen Proses Bisnis 3
SI 223634 Interaksi Manusia-Komputer & Dampak Sosial 3
MK Pilihan 1 3
No. Sandi Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Syarat
SI 223001 Kerja Praktek & Seminar 3
SI 224735 Skripsi I 2
SI 224736 Sistim Enterprise 3
SI 224739 Business Intelligence 3
SI 224737 Teknologi baru & Inovasi SI 3
SI 224738 Technopreneurship 3
MK Pilihan 2 3
Total 20
No. Sandi Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Syarat
SI 224840 Skripsi II 4 224735
MK Pilihan 3 3
MK Pilihan 4 3
MK Pilihan 5 3
MK Pilihan 6 3