Faculty of Information Technology


Visi Fakultas Teknologi Informasi UNAI adalah menjadi fakultas yang menyelenggarakan program pendidikan bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang unggul di tingkat nasional berbasis falsafah pendidikan Kristen Advent yang menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas dan berdaya saing global.


  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan bidang teknologi informasi yang bermutu tinggi, inovatif dan berlandaskan pada dasar-dasar pendidikan Kristen Advent bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat;

  2. Organizing research that is innovative, solution-oriented, sustainable, and sensitive to the development of information technology and community needs;
  3. Conducting community service activities to improve the dignity and standard of living and community empowerment through the utilization of information technology.


  1. Managing quality education in the field of information and communication technology based on the philosophy of Adventist Christian education;
  2. Developing innovative, humanitarian-minded science in the field of information and communication technology, to improve the standard of living and dignity of society;
  3. Building a conducive academic culture and atmosphere based on adventist Christian values;
  4. Build and improve the standard of living and dignity of the community by utilizing information and communication technology.


  1. Collaborate with information technology vendors to adapt study program policies and management to the needs and development of information technology;
  2. Collaborate with professional certification vendors to provide professional certification education for students so that each graduate has professional certification and is better prepared to enter the workforce;
  3. Implementing a boarding education system, where students are trained to have discipline and are equipped with sufficient religious education;
  4. Make policies that encourage lecturers' research by providing sufficient research funds and providing reward kepada dosen yang menghasilkan publikasi;
  5. Make policies that encourage and open up opportunities for lecturers to develop themselves through seminars, training and further study at higher education levels;
  6. Establish cooperation with industry in the form of research, practical work programs and alumni recruitment;
  7. Provide and improve learning facilities and infrastructure;
  8. Conducting community service for the purpose of community empowerment and encouraging the community to be sensitive to the development of information and communication technology.